Wishbone Brawl VII: John Ashworth and Bill Murray
John Ashworth and Bill Murray are kindred spirits. What might occasionally seem to be lost in the translation of life, they actually have it figured out. Especially as it relates to golf, Goat Hill Park, community and a safe-haven for kids. This was Murray’s first time playing in the Wishbone Brawl, which raises money for North County Junior Golf and Goat’s Junior Caddie & Leadership Academy. In the final installment of the series of videos recapping the Brawl, which was won by Chris Riley and Janae Leovao, Ashworth tells the story of how he met and became friends with Murray. To get involved, donate or bid on almost 100 items in the online auction, which ends Dec. 11 at 9pmPST, go to NCJGA.com.